We cover the following contents for us payroll
Define date modifiers
Payroll area
Generate payroll periods
Control record
check default payroll area
Basic settings
Define period modifiersDefine date modifiers
Payroll area
Generate payroll periods
Control record
check default payroll area
Basic pay configuration
Define EE Subgroup Grouping for PCR and Coll.Agrmt.Prov.
Check Pay Scale Type
Check Pay Scale Area
Check Assignment of Pay Scale Structure to Enterprise Structure
Determine default for pay scale data
Define hourly rates with several decimal places
Check Pay Scale Type
Check Pay Scale Area
Check Assignment of Pay Scale Structure to Enterprise Structure
Determine default for pay scale data
Define hourly rates with several decimal places
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type group 'Basic Pay'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type group 'Basic Pay'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Employee Subgroups for Primary Wage Type
Personnel Subareas for Primary Wage Type
Personnel Subareas for Primary Wage Type
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Check wage type characteristics
Check wage type characteristics
Revise Default Wage Types
Define valuation of base wage types
Define annual salary
Revise Pay Scale Groups and Levels
Recurring Payments and Deductions
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type group 'Recurring Payments and Deductions'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Check wage type characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define wage type models
Payment Models
Define Payment Models
Define periodicities
Define deduction periods
Define employee groups
Specify default values
Check wage type group 'Recurring Payments and Deductions'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Check wage type characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define wage type models
Payment Models
Define Payment Models
Define periodicities
Define deduction periods
Define employee groups
Specify default values
Additional Payments
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type group 'Additional Payments'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check Entry Permissibility for Additional Payments
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Check wage type characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Check wage type group 'Additional Payments'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check Entry Permissibility for Additional Payments
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Check wage type characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define wage type models
off cycle payroll
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type group 'One Time Payments Off-Cycle'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define number range interval for check replacement
Set up off-cycle reasons
Set up report variants for off-cycle activities
Set up display for remuneration statement using HR Forms Workplace
Set up different variants for payment replacement
Off-Cycle Absence Valuation
Assign absences to an off-cycle reason
Set up absence valuation for off-cycle activities
Define default values for advance payments
Define default values for wage types
Define default values for payment methods
Define default values for payroll results
Verify payment keys
Make settings for check printing with manual num. assignment
Replace checks
Create process models
Create process model for mass off-cycle payments
Check wage type group 'One Time Payments Off-Cycle'
Check Wage Type Catalog
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define number range interval for check replacement
Set up off-cycle reasons
Set up report variants for off-cycle activities
Set up display for remuneration statement using HR Forms Workplace
Set up different variants for payment replacement
Off-Cycle Absence Valuation
Assign absences to an off-cycle reason
Set up absence valuation for off-cycle activities
Define default values for advance payments
Define default values for wage types
Define default values for payment methods
Define default values for payroll results
Verify payment keys
Make settings for check printing with manual num. assignment
Replace checks
Create process models
Create process model for mass off-cycle payments
Time Wage Type Valuation
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Reduction Formulas
Cumulation Wage Types
Benefits configuration in personnel administration
Benefits Integration
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Specify location of Tax Factory executable
Specify BSI TaxFactory version for customizing settings
Specify BSI TaxFactory version for master data and tax calculation
Specify level of messages to be returned
Specify BSI TaxFactory version for customizing settings
Specify BSI TaxFactory version for master data and tax calculation
Specify level of messages to be returned
Tax companies for Tax Reporter
Define tax companies
Assign tax company to personnel area
Define BSI tax company
Define tax identification numbers by BSI tax company
Define federal/state/local employer ID number
Define tax companies
Assign tax company to personnel area
Define BSI tax company
Define tax identification numbers by BSI tax company
Define federal/state/local employer ID number
Maintain tax-related processing classes
Maintain gross up wage types
Maintain non-cash income wage types
Maintain distribution payment wage types
Maintain payroll calculation rule for unemployment
Maintain payroll schema for withholding information
Maintain payroll schema for tax functions
Maintain payroll schema for override methods
Maintain states of operation
Delete/insert tax table entries
Check tax authorities
Check sort number for authority
Check W-4 and exemption limit indicators
Check status of territories
Check tax authority mapping
Define valid filing statuses
Define other taxation attributes for tax company
Check tax types
Maintain tax types per tax authority
BSI TaxLocator - General Information
BAdI: Activate BSI TaxLocator
Add states where BSI TaxLocator is active
Determine source address location
Add addresses for personnel subareas
Specify location of BSI TaxLocator executable
Specify level of messages to be returned
Maintain work-related tax areas
Maintain tax authorities per work tax area
Maintain zip code ranges per work tax area
Maintain residence-related tax areas
Maintain tax authorities per residence tax area
Maintain zip code ranges per residence tax area
Define tax modifiers
Display/change taxability model
Define tax authority model
Define taxability model
Define tax type combinations
Define unemployment worksites
Define BSI tax company experience rates
Define employee group
Define employee overrides
Define override formulas
Specify additional tax reciprocity attributes
Define new mapping wage types
Define mapping rule
Activate symbolic account split in UTX0
Configure assumed hours for Supplemental Pension Tax
Maintain priority of tax wage types
Maintain gross up wage types
Maintain non-cash income wage types
Maintain distribution payment wage types
Maintain payroll calculation rule for unemployment
Maintain payroll schema for withholding information
Maintain payroll schema for tax functions
Maintain payroll schema for override methods
Maintain states of operation
Delete/insert tax table entries
Check tax authorities
Check sort number for authority
Check W-4 and exemption limit indicators
Check status of territories
Check tax authority mapping
Define valid filing statuses
Define other taxation attributes for tax company
Check tax types
Maintain tax types per tax authority
BSI TaxLocator - General Information
BAdI: Activate BSI TaxLocator
Add states where BSI TaxLocator is active
Determine source address location
Add addresses for personnel subareas
Specify location of BSI TaxLocator executable
Specify level of messages to be returned
Maintain work-related tax areas
Maintain tax authorities per work tax area
Maintain zip code ranges per work tax area
Maintain residence-related tax areas
Maintain tax authorities per residence tax area
Maintain zip code ranges per residence tax area
Define tax modifiers
Display/change taxability model
Define tax authority model
Define taxability model
Define tax type combinations
Define unemployment worksites
Define BSI tax company experience rates
Define employee group
Define employee overrides
Define override formulas
Specify additional tax reciprocity attributes
Define new mapping wage types
Define mapping rule
Activate symbolic account split in UTX0
Configure assumed hours for Supplemental Pension Tax
Maintain priority of tax wage types
Tax Reporter
Define reporting tax company
Define transmitting tax company
Define fill job split parameters
Define personnel actions for transfer in/out
Specify authorization code for spool request
Switch on Tax Reporter authorization check
TUBS updation
standard pcr
customer specific pcr
annual bonus
performance bonus
Define transmitting tax company
Define fill job split parameters
Define personnel actions for transfer in/out
Specify authorization code for spool request
Switch on Tax Reporter authorization check
TUBS updation
standard pcr
customer specific pcr
annual bonus
performance bonus
this is a project oriented training , training with bbp preparation and executing into system with support issues
We Provide excellent online / classroom /inhouse training with screen shot notes.
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We Provide excellent online / classroom /inhouse training with screen shot notes.
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