Thursday, 5 February 2015



PMSV -  Reversal of Margin Flows Financials - Back Office
PMSI - Simulate Payroll Run Personnel Mgmt - Budget Management
PHAP_ADMIN - Administrator - Appraisal Document Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
OOHAP_BASIC - Basic Appraisal Template Settings Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
PHAP_CREATE - Create Appraisal Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
OOAM - Change Appraisals Catalog Cross Application - Appraisal Systems
PHAP_CHANGE - Change Appraisal Document Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
PHAP_CHANGE_PA - PA: Change Appraisal Document Personnel Mgmt - Objective Setting and Appraisals
OOHAP_CATEGORY - Appraisal Category Settings Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
OOHAP_VALUE_TYPE - Standard Value Lists Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
OOHAP_CAT_GROUP - Category Group Settings Cross Application - Appraisal, Valuation, and Survey Tool
APPDELETE - Delete Appraisal Cross Application - Appraisal Systems
OOHAP_SETTINGS_PA - PA: Settings Personnel Mgmt - Objective Setting and Appraisals
/SAPAPO/PPM_CONV - Conversion of PP/DS Ppms to SNP Ppms -
OOEC - Change Development Plan Catalog Personnel Mgmt - Development Plans
/SAPAPO/PPM_CONV_310 - Report for Generating SNP Ppms -
/SAPAPO/PPM_DEL - Mass Deletion of Plans and Ppms -
VEIE - SApmsED8: Call EXPINV02 SD - Basic Functions