Friday, 27 July 2012


useful for PA

MSN20 Termination 
MSN21 Re-entry 
MSN30 Inactive work relationship 
MSN31 Restart work/ rehire
MSN32 early retirement/retirement

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

RHINTE00 /10 /20 /30

  • RHINTE00 - Transfer PA Records To PD Positions. In another world, it creates the HRP1001 between P to S in the OM side of the world. When you view a record via IT0001, you see this person holds the position, however via HRP1001, that relationship isn’t so.
  • RHINTE10 - Generates the required relevant tables. (T513 - Jobs, T513S - Jobs, T528B - Positions, T528T - Work Center, T527X - Org Unit
  • RHINTE20 - checks for all objects for integration between PA and OM. This is a big one and will take awhile to run. What it does is look at table T513/T513T - Jobs, T528/T528T - Position, and T528X - Org Unit. It will then compare it against the HRPxxxx table to find missing objects. If there are any missing objects, it will create the record.
  • RHINTE30 - Transfer OM to PA. This will create infotype 0001. If the conversion strategy is to have SAP auto inherit factor to kick in for IT0001, often time jobs and org unit are missing via IT0001 during the inital conversion load. RHINTE30 will find the relationship and push it through IT0001.


Report NameReport Description
RDDKOR54Customer naming conventions for SAP tables etc
RPCDTFG0Data Medium Exchange: Cancelling Transfers
RFBVALL_0Loads bank sort codes, branches etc
RHBEGDA0The report sets a new start date for the records found using the selection screen. It primarily serves to correct the start date of records retrospectively. To access the correct selection of records, enter the old start date. All records with the old start date are given the new start date. All other records remain unchanged.
RHINTE00Transfer Org Assignment from PA to PD
RHINTE10Prepare Integration (OM with PA)
RHINTE20Check program for PA-OM Integration
RHINTE30Creates batch input session for IT 0001 - using PD relationships.
RHMARP00Returns the material requirements per business event
RHMOVE00Outputs a sequential file - PD_DATASET
RHMOVE30Used to manually transport objects in Org Mgt
RHMOVE40Display and edit sequential PD Dataset
RHSTRU00useful report for displaying all related objects in a structure (hierarchy) according to the defined evaluation path. Can be used for any PD object in any database HRPnnnn.
RPCDTFG0DME - cancelling transfers
RPCGTNG0New Gross to Net Control Report for the UK
RPCSC000Payroll batch scheduler for breaking up the payroll run into jobs allowing payroll to be processsed in parallel as a number of batches
RPDASC00Explodes the whole schema - ctrl+F to find items. For PCR's and sub-schemas use 0000 to zzzz as the "from" and "to" values.
RPDKON00Assignment of wage types to G/L accounts (chart of accounts)
RPDLGA00Wage type statement - shows the permissibility of wage types.
RPDLGA20Use of wage types in payroll accounting - very useful. Shows the inner workings of how all the wage types are passed through the PCR's and what processing classes are accessed. Enter your country version. I always find it easier to us the "tree" option rather than the "table" option.
RPDLGA40Similar to RPDLGA20. Gives each wage type and shows each PC, EC and CC for each.
RPDSYS00Takes you to all the documentation in the SAP system
RPIBRT00Evaluation of Appraisals - creates a batch session to update IT 0008 based on the employees IT 0025 record.
RPIBRT01Group value of Appraisal criterion
RPINCL10Search for specific text in any report
RPLEAT00Starters and Leavers Report
RPLINFC0Infotype overview for an employee - very useful and much better than using the Personnel File on PA10. Shows all the infotypes for an employee.
RPLNHRU0New Hire Report
RPLNICG0Displays NI and CNIC values from the payroll results
RPPCUPG0Batch update for infotype 0071 - pensions GB
RPSDEV00Headcount report - quite good. Gives EE numbers per organisation entity
RPSEEOU1Equal Employment Opportunities - US driven report for statutory legislation
RPTIME00Time Evaluation
RPTKOK00Used to identify inconsistencies with absence quotas
RPTBPC10Used to correct inconsistencies - takes ages to run - rather correct them manually
RPTQTA00Used to generate absence quotas
RPU12W0SSaves backup and allows you to restore T512W from a previously saved copy
RPU51000Updates the values in table T510 - pay scale data
RPUAUD00Logged Changes in Infotype Data
RPUAUDDLDeletes documents from the database that were created
RPUAUDW0Allows you to view the records created from the above reports - have to have table T585A maintained as well
RPUCC000Check PCRs - allows you to run checks on PCR's
RPUCCCQ0Check Personnel Calculation Rules
RPUCCCX0Check Personnel Calculation Rules (International Version)
RPUCCOSEAllows you to search for text in any PCR
RPUCTC00Lists PCR's for any ESG and the associated processing steps
RPUCTE00Environment Analyzer: Functions, Operations, Schemas, PCRs
RPUCTER3Environment Analyzer: Functions, Operations, Schemas, PCRs
RPUCTF00Change attributes for schemas and PCR's (especially if you have executed the IMG step by mistake)
RPUCTI00Lists subschemas not called up in any other schema
RPUCTJ00Lists PCR's not called up in the schemas or PCR's
RPUCTP00Generation of payroll periods
RPUCTP10Generates calendars
RPUCTP20Generate further date specifications
RPUCTX00Copy PCR's from client 000 to other clients on the same server
RPUDEL20Delete payroll results. After deletion you must perform at least one retroactive accounting run for the earliest deleted payroll run
RPUDELPNAllows you to delete personnel numbers as a batch
RPUDIR00Restores the payroll results directory
RPUDNIG0Update table T5G_DTONI. Format can be a pain to get right. Rather maintain the table directly or cut and paste from Excel. Another alternative is to use a CATT procedure or LSMW to update the table.
RPUDPSM0Download source text of a program (type "PROG" in TADIR)
RPUDRQQ0Payroll Results (RQ) - originals and differences from retro periods
RPUDTEM0Downloads table entries
RPUDTSM0Downloads table structures
RPUGCC00Generates calculation rule check
RPUMKD00Features Directory - lists all available features
RPUMKG00Generates features
RPUMKS00Feature structure
RPUPROTDLog of report starts
RPUPROTUMaintain log
RPUPRRM0Pension report
RPUREP00Submit country-specific report in the info system
RPUSCC00Compare schemas
RPUSCD00Schema directory
RPUSCD10Schema directory
RPUSCG00Generate/check schemas
RPUSCGT0Generate/check schemas
RPUSTD00Used to transfer master data
RPUTAXU0Delete/insert tax table entries
RPUTCUG0HR-GB: Batch Input: Tax code uplift
RPUTMSE0TemSe files display
RPUTMSG0HR-GB: TemSe view and download program
RPUTMSI0Program for TEMSE catalog display
RPUTRBK0Update any field on IT 0003 - payroll status
RPUTSD00Download a TemSe object to presentation server
RPUTSV00List of HR TemSe objects
RPUTSVDDDownload from data medium to Disk
RPUTTUU0Wage type update program
RPUTXT00Comparison of text elements
RPUWGTX0Used to create/delete new wage types
RSAQR3TRTransports queries, user groups & functional areas
RSCLCCOPOffers slightly more functionality than the transaction SSC1. You can run jobs in background mode - using SCC1 for a really big transport causes the system to time-out after a certain period
RSCMPADJView / table comparison
RSTXTRANAllows you to transport SAP Scripts - eg letters in Recruitment
RSUSR006List users last login

Thursday, 5 July 2012

sap hcm questions


  • What are info types ?
  • What are personnel actions? What is the transaction for executing personnel actions?
  • What are the important info types for a hiring action?
  • What is IMG? What is its importance? What are the functions you can execute using IMG?
  • What is customizing? What does customizing support?
  • How do you create a Project IMG? What are project views?
  • What are the IMG attributes?
  • What is an enterprise structure?
  • What is a personnel structure?
  • What is the highest level of the enterprise structure?
  • What is company code? Is it defined in HR? If not where is it defined?
  • What are personnel areas and its functions?
  • What are personnel sub areas and its functions?
  • How is an employee in the HR Master data linked to a company to which he belongs?
  • Can a personnel area be assigned to many company codes?
  • What are the indicators defined by personnel sub areas?
  • How do you categorize the employee groups?
  • What are employee subgroups and what are the indicators set up using employee subgroups?
  • Employee groups are two character and employee subgroup are two character representations in the IMG. Do you support this statement?
  • In the HR Master data where are planned working times for an employee seen?
  • Do I need to give country assignment to personnel sub areas in customizing? If true support the statement and if not what’s true?
  • What are the various objects in an organizational plan?. How does any company use an organizational plan?
  • Describe the following

    1. Tasks
    2. Job
    3. Position
    4. Organizational unit
    5. Cost Center

  • Which of the above objects belong to HR?
  • How do you integrate OM and PA? If integration is active what happens when a position is entered in IT 0000.? What else does the system default? Can these values be changed? What is this called?
  • Are cost center assignments hierarchical? Where do you assign these in OM?
  • What are attributes of objects? Is vacancy a common attribute for all objects?
  • What are the other additional organizational assignments?
  • Name the three administrators? How do you default these in IT0001?
  • What is organizational key? How many bytes/characters does it constitute? How can it be defined? What is it mainly used for?
  • What are employee attributes and how are they classified?
  • What are features? What is the transaction for features?
  • What are the features to default and in which info type

    1. Work Schedule Rule
    2. Pay Scale Data
    3. Wage Type Model
    4. Administrator groups

  • Number Range Intervals
  • What is ABKRS?
  • What are the two ways of maintaining features?
  • What is the info type to store personal data for an employee?
  • Where are the default values for working hours per period taken from in IT 0008?
  • Why is employee subgroup grouping for pcr significant for payroll?
  • What does collective agreement provision determine? How do you depict different payments in the system?
  • What does employee subgroup grouping for CAP allow you to assign?
  • What is payscale type and payscale area?
  • You assign payscale types and areas to

    1. Company code
    2. Payroll area
    3. Employee subgroup
    4. Personnel subarea

  • What are wage types? How wage types are broadly classified?
  • How do you set up wage types?
  • What are slash wage types?
  • Why are wage type groups used? Give some examples of wage type groups.
  • What is transaction pu95?
  • Where in the IMG do i ensure that the wage types are associated with the enterprise and personnel structure.?
  • Where are all wage types stored?
  • Are all wage types permissible for all info types ? If Yes or NO support statement?
  • What are the wage type characteristics that can be defined?
  • How do you valuate wage types? Where do you configure this in the IMG?
  • What are module name and module variant?
  • Explain significance of TARIF , SUMME and PRZNT in regards to indirect valuation?
  • Briefly explain the two different ways to perform pay increase?
  • In dynamic pay increase what are variants A, G, D, E, T , C and R?
  • What are the info type attributes?
  • What are system controls?
  • What is DYNPRO ? What are the main elements of a screen?
  • What naming conventions are the info types subject to?
  • Where are the info types relevant to retroactive accounting for payroll and time management defined?
  • What are the significance of field triggers in retroactive accounting?
  • What do you need to do in the IMG to specify certain info types for certain countries only?
  • Where can you store a passport photo of an employee? Where do you do the settings in the IMG?
  • What is TCLAS = A and TCLAS = B?
  • Where can you change the attributes of individual screens?
  • What are infotype menus or info menus? Are they user group dependable?
  • What setting do i need to make for a SAP user to see that he has the relevant infotype menus?
  • Where do I assign the IG (infogroup) to the personnel action type? Are infogroups user group dependable?
  • What is IGMOD?
  • For a country reassignment action what setting do i need to do in the IMG?
  • What are additional actions? What are the ways in which i can activate additional actions for an employee? Where are additional actions stored? Can we see the infotype record where additional actions are stored directly?
  • What is the significance of status indicator in personnel actions?
  • What are MSN20, MSN21 and MSN32 in relation to personnel actions?
  • Where do you define the action reason in the IMG?
  • What is user group dependency of the action menu?
  • With a leaving action what is the employment status changed to?
  • What are dynamic actions? What can they trigger?
  • What is PAMA? What is M0001?
  • What are general authorizations?
  • What are structural authorizations?
  • How are authorizations defined? An authorization object can define maximum 15 fields that occur in an authorization? True or False?
  • What is an authorization profile? How are users authorizations determined?
  • What is a role? How the access to transactions, reports and web based applications included in a role defined?
  • Roles can be found under generic name SAP_HR*? True or False?
  • What is a profile generator?
  • How do you create users?
  • What are the ways of setting up general authorization checks?
  • What are the two types of double verification principle ? Explain with example?
  • Authorization main switches are stored in Table T74SO or T76SO or T77SO? To permit extended authorization check along with master data check what settings need to be done?
  • Describe in brief the period of responsibility with reference to a user giving examples?
  • What are P_ORGIN and P_ORGXX?
  • What are evaluation paths?
  • To implement structural authorizations you need to have existing the PA module? True or False?
  • What do C, S, P and O stand for?
  • What do mean by the terms

    1. Status vector
    2. Display depth
    3. Period
    4. Function Module

  • Describe in brief giving examples how period of responsibility is determined for the general authorization check in a structural authorization check?
  • What are PD profiles and SD profiles? What do they do?
  • What do you mean by planned times? Where are these stored for an employee?
  • What do you mean by actual times? Where are these stored for an employee?
  • What do you mean by deviations? Where are these stored for an employee?
  • What do you mean by negative time and positive time? Where do you use time evaluation?
  • What is RPTQTA00? What does it do? What is RPTIME00?
  • What is time management status 7? What is it used for?