Operation | Description |
ADDDB | Adds the value of current number of hours field (HRS) to the specified time type |
ADDDB0600T | Adds the value of HRS to time type 0600. The control indicator 'T' moves the planned working hours from the employee's work schedule into HRS |
ADDDB0600Z | Overwrites the value in time type 0600 with that currently held in HRS |
ADDMB* | Cumulates the value in the HRS field of the current time type into the period balances table (SALDO) |
ADDOT | Adds the wage types to the table of over time wage types (ZML) |
ADDVS DAY1 | Adds the value of HRS to the variable DAY1 |
ADDZL | Adds the value of the current HRS field to the ZL table |
BITQU | Creates an entry in the in Attendance Quotas infotype (2007) |
BITQU01 | Creates an entry for quota 01 in the in Attendance Quotas infotype (2007), with start and end dates as the start and end of the current week |
BITQU01PP | Creates an entry for quota 01 in the in Attendance Quotas infotype (2007), with start and end dates as the start and end of the current payroll period |
COLER01E | Error message 01 according to table T555E is passed to internal table FEHLER and time processing is terminated |
COLER01F | Error message 01 is passed to table FEHLER and time processing continues. The current day is processed again when time evaluation is next run |
COLOP | Transfers data from the input table TIP to output table TOP, to make the time pair available for further processing |
COLOP* | Keeps the current time type when data is transferred to the TOP |
COLOPATIM1 | Stores the data in the current time type in an alternative time type TIM1 in table TOP |
COLPAB | Replaces the Start time of the original time pair with that of the current active time pair |
COLPAE | Replaces the End time of the original time pair with that of the current active time pair |
COMOT | Replaces overlapping time pairs with new time pairs to create one continuous record with no overlaps |
DAYPG0712 | Replaces the employee's work schedule with DWS 0712 from table T550A |
DAYPGOFF | If DWS OFF does not exist, the first valid DWS with 0 planned hours and DWS class 0 is used |
DYNDP | Assigns a new DWS dynamically to an employee. The system determines from a set of configured DWS's the one where the employee's first clock-in time occurs within a specified timeframe. |
FILLPB | Enters the start time of a time pair from the HRS field |
FILLPB- | Deletes the start time of a time pair |
FILLW | Enters additional information, such as start and end times, or infotype number, to a wagetype |
GCY TE21 | Branch to another Personnel Calculation Rule TE21 |
GCYGTE21 | Personnel Calculation Rule TE21 is accessed for all time types and the same employee subgroup grouping is kept and processed |
GENOT | Flags a time pair, or part thereof, as OT until the OT quota, as defined in T556P is used up |
GENOWB | Splits the current wagetype according to the HRS field, from the start time, and enters a portion into the OT wagetypes table ZML |
GENTG | Creates a new time pair entry in the TIP table using the time type being processed |
GENTG0600 | Creates a new time pair entry in the TIP table using variable 0600 |
GENTPE | Splits the current TIP entry according to the HRS value, from the End of the time pair, and enters this into the TOP table |
GENTWB | Separates part of the wagetype being processed, according to the HRS value, from the beginning of the wagetype, and enters it into the time wage types table ZL |
HRS=BCURDY | Enters the current day in the HRS field |
HRS-SWTE | Subtracts the latest time started at work from the value in the HRS field |
HRS?CTETOL | Compares the value in the current HRS field to the value of TETOL in the constants table T511K |
INSLR | Insert locked records in table TIP |
INSTPA1010 | Inserts an absence time pair between two recorded time pairs in the TIP with a begin and end tolerance of 10 minutes form the adjoining time pairs |
LEAVE | Exist the current PCR being processed. Processing continues form the next line in the schema |
MESSG | Outputs a message with the current processed personnel number |
MODIF A=01 | Set employee grouping for absence valuation to 01 |
MODIF Q=05 | Set quota type selection rule group to 05 |
MODIF W=02 | Set the time wagetype selection group (T510S) to 02 |
OUTALTRFGR | Enters pay scale group data from the alternate payment table ALP |
OUTAQTYP | Assigns the current quota type from the ABWKONTI table |
OUTOTWGTYP | Gives the wagetype of the overtime being processed |
OUTPQ | Enters data from the attendance quota into the variable key |
OUTTIABART | Enters the employee subgroup grouping for PCR from IT0050 |
OUTTPABTYP | Enters the absence type of the current time pair into the variable key |
OUTTPPRTYP | Enters the attendance type of the current time pair into the variable key |
OUTWP | Allocates data from various fields to the variable key |
OUTWPCOMPY | Enters the code from IT0001 |
OUTWPCOSTC | Enters the cost center from IT0001 |
OUTWPSHIFT | Enters the work schedule rule from IT0007 |
OUTWPTRFAR | Enters the pay scale type from IT0008 |
OUTWPMASSN | Enters the action type from IT0000 |
OUTZL | Selects data from the ZL table and assigns it to the variable key |
PAYTP A | Sets the Employee subgroup grouping for PCR according to table T503 |
PAYTP 1 | Sets the Employee subgroup grouping for PCR according to 1 |
PCY TE20 | Branches to a personnel calculation rule TE20 and returns to the current PCR when processing of TE20 is complete |
PPINC | Processes the attendance or absence reason based on the return code from PPINC |
R555D | Reads the attendance or absence reason and assigns a return value to the variable key |
RETCD | Returns a resulting query code |
ROUND | Rounds the value of time pair or HRS Field |
ROUNDC>10 | Start time of time pair is rounded up to the nearest 10 minutes |
ROUNDG 99 | End time of time pair is rounded up to the next interval as set in rounding rule 99 in T559L |
SCOND=T | Used in conjunction with IF...ELSE...ENDIF, sets the condition to True |
SORTP | Sorts the time pairs in the TIP table |
SORTP1 | Sorts the time pairs in the TIP table with processing type 1 |
SUBST ** | checks whether an employee has any substitutions |
SUBST 01 | checks whether an employee has any substitutions of type 01 |
SUM 0600 | Cumulation of time type 0600 over a standard week (Mon-Fri) |
SUMWW0209 | Cumulation of time type 0209 over the current working week of the employee being processed -according to IT0007 |
SUMPP3001 | Cumulation of time type 3001 over the current payroll period |
SUMTP1008 | Cumulation of time type 1008 over the current time evaluation period |
TABLE 001P | Provides access to data stored in the personnel areas/subareas table |
TABLE 508A | Provides access to data stored in the work schedule rule table |
TEXIT | Exits schema processing. Recalculation and final processing options are set depending on the subsequent parameters |
TFLAG | Changes status indicators controlling how the day is processed |
TFLAGA 0 | Changes the day to a non-absence day |
TFLAGA 1 | Changes the day to a full absence day |
TIPOS | Checks where the current time pair is in relation to any preceding or subsequent time pairs in the TIP. A return code is given |
TKUZR | Check if the day being processed is within a reduced working hours period. The value entered into the variable key is Y or N |
TSORTTIP | Sorts the TIP table in ascending order |
TSORTTIP- | Sorts the TIP table in descending order |
TSORTOWT | Sorts the OT wagetypes table |
TSORTOWTT | Sorts the OT wagetypes table according to start/end time |
UPDLE01 | Automatically updates an employee's entitlement on leave type 01 (IT0005) |
UPDTQ01 | Automatically update's an employee's entitlement on absence quota 01 (IT2006) |
VARABTYP | Provides the current absence category |
VARABVCL | Provides the current absence valuation rule |
VARABDAY | Provides information on whether the current absence is a full-day absence or not |
VARPRTYP | Enters the current attendance type into the variable key |
VARPRVCL | Enters the current attendance type valuation rule into the variable key |
VARST | Queries various fields or provides information for the field interrogated |
VARSTDAYTY | Provides the current day type from table T553A |
VARSTFREE | Determines if the current day has 0 planned working hours. Return code is Y or N |
VARSTSUBST | Provides the current substitution type |
VWTCL 20 | Enters the value of processing class 20 for a wage type. Used in conjunction with function PZL or POVT |
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