Wednesday, 7 May 2014

List of PCRs used in India payroll

List of PCRs used in India payroll

IN76 Cumulations for COA/CLA Basis Housing INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INCA Create COA/CLA monthly basis Housing INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INHF Hard furnishing recovery Long term reimbursement INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INCC Actual Expenditure for COCS into car perk /3C1 Car & Conveyance INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INCS HR-IN: Create WPBP splits in wage types Child education exemption INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INNT Employee Eligibility for NE Tax Exemption North east state tax INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INNE NE TAX Exemption  North east state tax INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INVR Determine VRS Eligibility VRS INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INLN HR IN : Last nominal basis VRS INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
ING0 Determine Gratuity eligibility Gratuity INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INS0 Removing split other than WPBP      
INPT Cumulation of PTax basis Ptax INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
IN89 PCR IN89 Extrnal data for section 89(1) Relief Section 89 INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
IN90 Capture Sec 89 Relief outside SAP Payroll in /451 Section 89 INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INN0 Setup of Projection Factor Projection  INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INVT HR-IN: Voluntary tax deduction Income Tax INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INTR HR-IN:Rounding off monthly tax amounts Income Tax INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INRM Removal of splits for relevant wage types      
INBT Transfer of income Tax to BT Table Payment INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
IN44 Read balances carried forward (differences) Retro INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
IN45 Read balances carried forward (differences) Retro INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INTT B/F Termination related exemptions for Payroll after termination Termination INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INPB Cumulation of PTax basis Ptax INN1 Gross to Net Calculation - India
INRR Recovery of rounded amount Rounding Off IN00 HR-IN: India Payroll Schema
IN30 Cumulation of net amount Net pay INA9 Cumulate net amount and form payment amount 
IN40 Payment amount before transfer(NET PAY) Net pay INA9 Cumulate net amount and form payment amount 
XADV Transfer advance wage types from LRT to RT Net pay INA9 Cumulate net amount and form payment amount 
X04A Import claim from previous period Net pay INA9 Cumulate net amount and form payment amount 
INP1 Partial factors for India - /801(CD), /802(WD), /803(WH),/804(Nom) Partial Period Factor Calculations INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
XVAL Valuate payroll elements using partial period factors Factoring INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
IN77 Nominal Cumulation for 1 day salary deduction One day salary deduction INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
INWT Create wage type /12N Projection  INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
IN2N Store the last split of  /12N in RT. Projection  INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
XCH0 Supply Cost Accounting (CO) with number of hours   INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
XCM0 Monthly lump sums for Cost Accounting   INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
IN72 Nominal Cumulations   INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
INEX Monthly Nominal values   INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
X023 Gross input and storage(Cumulation of payment WT) Net pay INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
INNP HR-IN: Rule for Notice Pay Termination INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
INRT Cumulate Payments for TDS in Regular Run Income Tax INAL Monthly factoring and storage (cumul.of gross amount)
IN11 Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments Payment INAP Import additional payments/deductions Off Cycle
INTP Process Third Party Deductions (IT 0057) Membership fee INAP Import additional payments/deductions Off Cycle
X024 Gross Input and Storage(Cumulation of deduction WT) Net pay INDD Deductions, benefits and storage
X025 Cumulation of gross amount, cost distribution   INDD Deductions, benefits and storage
IN91 PCR IN91 Updation of DT with latest Section 89 Result Section 89 INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN41 Read balances carried forward (differences) Net pay INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
X047 Cumulation of payment amount Net pay INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN42 Storage of new payment amount according to DT Retro INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN43 Store the differences in DT (India) Retro INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN54 Store PF bring forward wage types to RT Retro INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN55 HR-IN: Delete tax wage types from RT Retro INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN56 HR-IN: Import tax wage types from ORT Retro INNR Retroactive accounting INDIA
IN51 Passing wage types from ORT to IT for Gratuity Retro Gratuity INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
IN52 Passing wage types from ORT to IT for Superannuation Retro Superannuation INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
INLW HR-IN: Check LWF wage type in case of retro LWF INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
IN53 HR-IN: Passing LWF wage  types from ORT to IT for retro LWF INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
IN49 Passing wage types from ORT to IT for 1DSD Retro Rounding Off INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
INT1 Delete calculated tax in the retro period Retro INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
INTX HR-IN: Importing net tax wage type from ORT for retro period Retro INPO HR-IN: PORT wage types during Retro
XDPM Transfer deduction balances and totals Totals and Balances XDP0 Processing of deductions, balances and totals
XDPI Save balances for further processing Totals and Balances XDP0 Processing of deductions, balances and totals
XDPR Calculate balance of deductions Totals and Balances XDP0 Processing of deductions, balances and totals
XDPT Determine deduction totals and transfer balance Totals and Balances XDP0 Processing of deductions, balances and totals
X006 Import relevant wage types to LRT  (Round Off ammount) Rounding Off XLRO Read last payroll results 
X055 External bank transfers - International (read infotype 0011) Net pay XNN0 Net payments/deductions and transfers
X045 Import payments/deductions into RT Net pay XNN0 Net payments/deductions and transfers
X046 Check bank transfers (advance payments) Net pay XNN0 Net payments/deductions and transfers
X050 Bank transfers - International (Read banking details P0009) Net pay XNN0 Net payments/deductions and transfers
X060 Storage of payment amount Net pay XNN0 Net payments/deductions and transfers


We are providing  excellent sap hcm  online / in house training with real time scenarios with BBP preparation,Test scripts,transportation,authorizations,uploading master data with LSMW,

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Friday, 2 May 2014



  1.  What is personnel area
  2. in which table do we create personnel area
  3. what is navigation path to create personnel area
  4. without company code can we create personnel area if so why
  5. in which table do we link personnel area to company code,why do assign country grng
  6. what is personnel sub area
  7. on based do we create personnel sub areas
  8. without personnel areas do we create personnel sub areas
  9. do we link personnel sub area to company code
  10. what is employee group,what is the base to create it
  11. in whcich table do you create personnel sub area and employee group
  12. do we link  employee group to company code and why
  13. what is employee sub group,what is the base to create it
  14. why did you link / assign employee group to employee sub group
  15. what do you specify in define employee attributes
  16. what is personnel actions
  17. how many action types have u created ,what are they
  18. what is info group,what is is ref number or ugr
  19. why do we use ugr and how it helps to hire an employee
  20. what do you specify in action type screen
  21. what is o037. what is su3/su2/su52
  22. whay is dynamic action
  23. why do we use d.actions
  24. do we restrict dynamic actions at filed level
  25. tell few scenarios in dynamic actions
  26. how do you create info type sub types
  27. what is info type menus, how do you create
  28. tell the process to hire an employee in a professional way
  29. nce i enter pa40, i am not able to see my action type,what should i do
  30. nce i maitnian 0000 info type system coming is coming back to pa40 screen what should i do
  31. how do you terminate an employee 
  32. how do you write a test script for termination
  33. how do you create PA number ranges
  34. what is internal and external number ranges
  35. How do you tell to the system it is external and internal
  36. what is meant by feature ,why do we use it
  37. what is the t.code to maintain features
  38. what are PA info types specify them
  39. why do we use 0016 info type
  40. what is 0019 info type
  41. what is 0041,0045,0078
  42. what are features did you maitnain
  43. what are decision operations do you use generally while maintaining  fetures
  44. why do  we use NUMKR feature
  45. why do we use  IGMOD   feature
  46.  what is r.code of IGMOD feature

We are providing  excellent sap hcm  online / in house training with real time scenarios with BBP preparation,Test scripts,transportation,authorizations,uploading master data with LSMW,

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We cover the following toptics for Malaysian payroll

Basic settings
  • Define period parameters 
  • Define date modifiers 
  • payroll accounting area 
  • Generate payroll periods 
  • Create control record
  • Generate calendar for cumulations 
  • Protect personnel calculation rules 

Processing Classes 
Evaluation Classes
Cumulation classess
Logical Views
Check assignment to wage type group
Check logical view
Create wage type catalog
Change wage type texts
Check wage type characteristics

Describe absence valuation rules 
Group absences for absence valuation 
Define grouping for absence valuation 
Define day rules 
Create wage type catalog 
Valuation of Absences 
Create counting classes for absence valuation 
Valuate absences using 'as if' principle 
Valuate absences by constants/averages 
Special processing for absence valuation rules 
Valuation of Absences with Quota Deduction 
Valuate absences for quota deduction 

Time Quota Compensation
Create wage type catalog 
Assign wage types to the quotas to be compensated 

Time Wage Type Valuation
Define wage type-dependent constants 
Define pay scale-dependent constants 
Create person-related valuation bases 
Assign valuation bases 
Bases for valuation of averages 
Create bases for calculating average values 
Create relevancy test 
Create final processing rule 
Create calculation rules for averages 
Create cumulation rules for bases for calculating averages 
Create adjustment rules for bases for calculating averages 
Adjust calculation of averages within the payroll run 
Assign the valuation of averages to a primary wage type 
Averages New 
Basics of valuating averages 
Create bases for calculating average values 
Create calculation rules for averages 
Assign primary wage types to average calculation rules 
Defining Different Payments 
Determine valuation basis for different payment 
Calculate valuation basis with higher value 

Maintain partial period paramenter according to time unit 
Create reduction factors 
Assign reduction factors 

Cumulation Wage Types
Form cumulation wage types from time-based payments 
Form cumulation wage types based on master data 
Create cumulation wage type based on external bank transfer 

Check calendar for cumulation 
Customer-Owned Cumulation 
Define cumulation types 
Assign cumulation periods to payroll time units 
Define cumulation periods 
Assign cumulations to wage types 

Assign processing classes to wage types 
Limits on Deductions 
Define rules for limits 
Set limit modifier 
Set up wage type classes and attach limits 
Maintain wage types for limits 
Rename wage types for arrears processing 
Arrears and Priorities 
Check payroll schema 
Check wage type group 'Deductions for arrears' 
Define priority for deductions 
Maintain arrears deductions for retroactive accounting 
Maintain recovery of arrears 
Split unconditional deductions into paid amount and advance 

Maintain payroll calculation rule for membership 
Maintain payroll schema for membership 

AWS (Annual Wage Supplement)

Copy wage type catalog 
Check wage type group for AWS 
Checking the Wage Type Catalog 
Check wage types 
Maintain pro-rate types for AWS 
Function Exit for AWS 

HRDF (Human Resource Development Fund)

Maintain HRDF percentage 
Maintain payroll calculation for HRDF 

Define personnel subarea grouping 
Set personnel subarea grouping 
Employee Subgroup Grouping 
Define employee subgroup grouping 
Set employee subarea grouping 
Maintain payee information 
Assign payee and employer reference number 
Maintaining SOCSO-Related Payroll Schemas and Rules 
Maintain payroll calculation rule for SOCSO category 
Maintain recovery amount during retro-calculation 
Maintain payroll schema for SOCSO function 
Maintain SOCSO table 

Define personnel subarea grouping 
Set personnel subarea grouping 
Employee Subgroup Grouping 
Define employee subgroup grouping 
Set employee subgroup grouping 
Maintain payee information 
Assign payee and employer reference number 
Maintain State Codes for Maybank and Public Bank 
Setting Up Company Rate 
Personnel Subarea Grouping 
Define personnel subarea grouping 
Set personnel subarea grouping 
Employee Subgroup Grouping 
Define employee subgroup grouping 
Set employee subgroup grouping 
Determine the seniority 
Maintain the company rate 
Maintaining EPF-Related Payroll Schemas and Rules 

Setting Tax Payee and Employer Reference Number 
Schedular Tax Deduction 
Maintaining Tax-Related Payroll Schemas and Rules 
Maintain tax rates 
Maintain tax constants 
Generate tax checklist 
Tax Forms 
EA or EC Form 
CP22A Form 
Borang A Form 
payroll calendar

info types


customer specific
annual bonus
night shift allowance
over time
variable payments 

basic pay configuration
recurring payments and deductions
additional payments
off cycle payroll

We are providing  excellent sap hcm  online / in house training with real time scenarios with BBP preparation,Test scripts,transportation,authorizations,uploading master data with LSMW,

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